Re: the glossy Rohrabacher flyer, in which he touts his great work for CA 48... Item: the paragraph on "Illegal Immigration and Supporting ICE."
The scapegoating of immigrants has become a disgraceful national pastime amongst the supporters of the "president" Donald J Trump. It is no surprise to read Rohrabacher's full-throated endorsement of his dear leader's policies in this matter. He even "supports the President's [absurd] efforts to build a wall" (the parenthetical qualifier is mine).
America used to be a place where immigrants were welcomed. I am one myself. The "president's" wife is one. Immigrants, indeed, are what "made America great." Now that we're all here, of course--the particularly the white ones (like myself and Melania)--it's okay to build a wall to protect ourselves from all the others--particularly the brown ones from the south.
America does not have a great record when it comes to recognizing and accepting those who come to its shores in the hope of finding refuge from persecution. The rejection of so many Jews at the time of World War II and the Nazi persecution stands out as an odious blot on our historical record. Today, with asylum-seekers fleeing political persecution and violence arriving at our borders, our country's leaders chose to break up families and snatch small children from their mothers rather than allow them entry into this "land of the free."
Dana Rohrabacher is NOT "working for me"!
For a representative who will support a more humane and an ethical America, it's time to oust the man who kowtows to the current despicable occupant of our White House and elect a Democrat. A vote for Harley Rouda is a vote for decency and respect for human rights.
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