Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Ellie and I have been away from our Laguna Beach home for the past month. We took a National Geographic cruise in Alaska's Inland Passage and were reminded what a truly gorgeous country we all live in, and of the grandeur--but also the fragility--of our natural environment. We were encouraged by the good people we were with, both staff and passengers, that there is a passionate commitment amongst many of us to play our part in the conservation of our own environment and the protection of this (relatively!) tiny planet Earth.

We will be back in Laguna Beach as from tomorrow--incidentally, my birthday!--and I pledge to return to this political blog, and to do everything in my power to assure the election of Harley Rouda as our next congressional representative. America can no longer tolerate the extreme right-wing policies that have been thrust upon us by Republicans, who seem to have no thought for anything but personal enrichment and protection from an imagined invasion by those less fortunate than themselves.

We can, and must do better. I hope that my voice will serve to make a difference.

Friday, July 6, 2018


Well, finally he's gone. Pruitt, I mean, of course, He could not continue to survive his multitude of self-generated scandals. His letter of resignation was the give-away: he served--slavishly--the boss on whom he lavished obsequious praise, not the American people. Not surprising, perhaps, is the fact that this same boss is no better than his servant; he, too, makes a mockery of stewardship of the environment; he, too, puts the interests of the fossil fuel industry above those of a threatened natural environment; he, too, profits in unseemly ways from the office with which the voters of this country have misguidedly entrusted him. Can we hope that he, too, will fall under the weight of so many self-generated scandals?

Enough of that. I have been reading Harley Rouda's positions on the environment, both in his website statements on issues and his expansion on those statements in op end pieces; and I have read enough to know that they offer a vast improvement on those of his November opponent. There are, as I see it, three areas of concern that he addresses:

1) The local. Rouda is aware of the need to protect our vulnerable coastline from pollution and the risky business of offshore oil drilling. This scorching weekend is also a reminder of the dual effects of climate change on our California ecology: drought--which will severely impact our agricultural economy--and wildfire.

2) The national. Rouda recognizes that is past time to address our dependency on fossil fuels, and will bring another voice of sanity to the US Congress on this issue. California, with its technical savvy, is ideally placed in relation to the rest of the country to provide leadership in the development of solar and wind energy, and of alternative, green devices that require less energy and do less damage to the fragile global environment--not only automobiles but refrigerators, air conditioning in homes and offices, airplanes and countless other sources of pollution. Our state can and must play a leadership role in federal efforts to counter pollution and provide for practical alternatives.

3) International. The unilateral Trump withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is not only a moral disgrace, it's just one more aspect of our retreat from world leadership. This is but one of the global issues that we need to address. "America First" is precisely the opposite of what is needed when it comes to leaving a clean planet for future generations to enjoy. Now the fifth largest economy in the world, California needs to assert its priorities in the federal system and ensure the full measure of its contribution.

These are complex issues, of course. They need to be addressed forthrightly and without prevarication. Our current representative has offered no leadership, but rather has cowered behind the party line of prioritizing moneyed interests over what is best for California, this country, and the world. It's time for fresh vision and a commitment to the common good. Let's find the party unity we need to get rid of a congressman who has had so many years to show his worth, and instead elect one who shares our vision and understands our needs.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


(Adapted from my FB post)

Well, Happy Birthday, I guess, to my adopted country.
I'm an immigrant. I first came here in 1964 and carried a green card for a number of years. By 1972 I'd begun to feel foolish, living here and not being able to vote, so I applied for citizenship. I've been an "American" ever since.
I do realize, though, how greatly privileged an immigrant I am, and am grateful for the welcome; but I'm still outraged by the fact that so many of my fellow and would-be immigrants do not share that welcome, especially those without the privilege of a fine education and... skin color!
Now we've invited an orange clown to the party and he turns out to be the kind that pretends to entertain us but scares the sh*t out of us instead. He has shoved us all into a clown car that threatens to fall apart at any moment, if not explode.
Happy Birthday, America! Here's hoping you'll survive another year...

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Who offers a better deal for the auto industry? Obama stepped in to rescue it from disaster. Here's NY Times columnist Paul Krugman today on Trump's loudly touted contribution:
even industries Trump claims he wants to help are protesting his policies, urging him to reverse course. General Motors warns that proposed auto tariffs could lead to “less investment, fewer jobs and lower wages for our employees.” The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association has urged the administration to stand down, declaring that “counterproductive unilateral actions” will “erode U.S. jobs and growth” while doing nothing to protect national security.
The man is all blowhard boast and impetuous, worse-than-useless action. Republicans in Congress, notably "our" Rohrabacher, need to be replaced by women and men who look before they leap and act with an eye to the future and within the bounds of common sense and reason. Men and women like our candidate, Harley Rouda.

How to pull the wool from the eyes of those who blindly vote against their interests? It's the great American political dilemma. (I keep trying!)

Monday, July 2, 2018


Here's a thought: if you like what I write (and the way I write it) would you consider sending links to your Republican and on-the-fence friends? These are the people we need to talk to, not so much each other. I try to be consistent in coming from a place of calm, reason, truthfulness and ethical clarity. There must be good-hearted people on the other side who wish to do the same. No?


An old socialist myself I'm pleased to see the restoration of this word, so long degraded in America, through the efforts of the Democratic Socialists of America. I wrote about it on my other blog, The Buddha Diaries, just this morning (please click on over, if you're interested). I have joined the group with a monthly subscription and urge others to look into it. I also challenge my candidate--that would be you, Harley Rouda!--to pay attention to this still developing movement.

As I say in my post, my only caveat is this: we must insist, this year in particular, on party unity, even if that involves the sacrifice of sacred cows (and egos!) We can't afford another circular firing squad. Rohrabacher must go, to be followed in short order by his Godfather in the Oval Office.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


... it's time to step aside. (I'm speaking, of course, of/to Nancy Pelosi!) I admire all that you have managed to achieve. I admire your gutsy defense of your own abilities and your dismissal of age as a disqualifying factor. I admire the powerful model you have created for women in politics.

That being said, for the sake of our candidate in California's 48th district, Harley Rouda, and dozens of other Democratic candidates for your beloved Congress, it really is time to step aside.

This would be your greatest act of service and sacrifice in 2018.

First, fair or not, your name is a potent weapon in the Republican arsenal. Their voters love to hate you and your continued presence riles these people up. I fear that your insistence on holding on to the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives will serve only to inspire a greater-than-ever Republican turnout at the polls in November. Call it the misogynist, hate-Nancy vote. I despise it, but I'd be a fool not to recognize that it's there.

Quite apart from this, you represent a Democratic party that has been consistently losing, not only in the elections but in our current battle for democracy with a small "d". The recent spectacular wins by young Democratic Socialist women stands in vibrant, hopeful contrast to what appears to be stuck-in-the-mud Democratic politics as usual. Bernie Sanders, the godfather of this movement, for all his impassioned rhetoric, was unable to eke out a win. Take a look at these incredible, resourceful and challenging young women who show themselves to be ready and capable for the win.

You know about mentorship. I'm sure you practice it. But this should be your principal role right now. You (and I!) are of an age where we can teach the young, model leadership, encourage and inspire! I say, step aside. Nurture our country's future in the form of these young Democrats. Be the mentor that we need, not the old leader, clinging desperately to power.

I'm asking you, as I'm sure others will, to release our candidate from the burden of having to fight your disparagers as well as his own battles. Do the party, your country and indeed the world a favor. Cast vanity aside and take the step into the role of sagacious eldership. We need your wisdom, your experience, and your good heart there.