Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Has everyone else noticed that the current eruption of the Kilauea volcano is the perfect metaphor for the disaster that is the Trump presidency? The warning earthquakes, the early opening of small fissures and slow-flowing molten rock, the toxic fumes and belching steam and stink from subterranean faults, the gradually more explosive breaches of the surface and lava flows invading property and homes, the increasingly threatening eruptions, the widening destruction... it all sounds so much like the slow-motion, incremental disaster that is happening in Washington DC as the corrupt and poisonous tentacles of the Trump administration reach out to destroy this once (relatively) placid landscape.

VOTE out the "president"'s Republican enablers this November! Restore reason and sanity to our government! We may not be able to do anything about an active volcano, but we can do something about the man-made catastrophe in our country!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Peter!

    I'm a Field Organizer for Dr. Keirstead's campaign and came across this blog because I was told about it by Ginger, one of our volunteers - who I understand you spoke with earlier today! I think this blog of your is wonderful and we look forward to hearing from you in the future!
