Monday, August 13, 2018


To return to the flyer sent out last week by our "representative," Dana Rohrabacher, who claims without much justification to be "working for us..." 

Regarding his efforts on the issue of health care, he writes: "In 2017, efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, fell flat. Congressman Rohrabacher believes that goal is still worth pursuing." 

Really? After more than 60 votes--how many is it now?--in out House of Representatives, all of which went down, properly, in flames, our congressman still "believes that goal [...] is worth pursuing"?

How many of his constituents, I wonder, would agree with him? How many of us a grateful simply to have--finally!--an attempt at an affordable national health insurance act? How many of us want to see it improved, and NOT wantonly destroyed for no better reason than that it was passed by Democrats (though based on a Republican model)? How many of us are angry that Republicans like Rohrabacher continue to waste the public's time and money on their ridiculous attempts to undo legislation that has been so clearly needed in America for so many years?

Hands up, those who think this man should be replaced by someone who will support the drive for universal health care... 

I thought so! So let's all get out there and vote for Harley Rouda. And bring along "our sisters and our cousins and our aunts"! Okay?

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