Monday, May 28, 2018


There was a big front page article in yesterday's New York Times about the "top two" decision made a while ago by California voters, and its possibly dire effects on this year's primaries. With crowded Democratic fields--which I would normally welcome--we now risk standing in a circular firing squad and eliminating every Democratic from the run-off in the fall election. Imagine having a "top two" choice of two Republicans to vote for--an eventuality that is all too possible. Should that happen, we will need a revolution of some kind in order to insist on having a Democratic choice. A massive write-in campaign?

Especially given the nightmare wrought by Republicans in our national politics today, we Democrats MUST have someone to vote for in November. Some Republicans are rubbing their hands already, delighted at the prospect of the early elimination of Democratic competition through petty internecine warfare. We have done ourselves no favors. I'm hoping to see Dr. Keirstead in a race against the unmentionable incumbent. If it turns out to be another Democratic candidate who prevails in the primaries, he (and it seems that it is sure to be a "he"!) will have my unqualified support. Meantime, I'm in a state of some real anxiety about the outcome of the primaries in only one week's time.

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