Monday, May 7, 2018


It's my understanding that early voting ballots go out by mail this week. We have not yet received ours, but perhaps others have? Please let me know...

It's also my understanding that the majority of votes are actually cast early and by mail, so this week and the following are a critical period for Dr. Hans and other Democrats. My wish is for every single Democratic voter in California's 48th District to cast a vote. Can we all help to make that happen? We can all nudge our friends to nudge their friends, to nudge their friends... and so, like those fleas you may (or may not!) have heard of, ad infinitum.

My own vote is cast in favor of what is sorely lacking in our country today: the truth, as established by demonstrable fact. Empiricism. Reason. And for government based on that old Enlightenment principle. I believe that my candidate of choice, Dr. Hans Keirstead, is the one who best embodies it.

I realize that this is not fashionable today. Our current "president"--I still refuse to call him by name and associate that name with the distinguished title--operates on gut instinct and appeal to the basest of emotions: fear and anger. He despises the truth. Despises science. Despises fact-based information. The result is chaos.

Here's my belief: reason will eventually win out over chaos. Chaos eventually destroys itself. Reason leads to progress, to the betterment of the human species, to the protection of the planet.

I invite you to join me in my personal campaign to restore reason and return to a respect for the truth. Vote early. Vote often. Vote for science. Facts. The truth.

(And while you're at it, just for fun, check out esteemed Augustus de Morgan, author of that poem about fleas. What a life! He was not only a fine proponent of "rigorous logic", but also a fellow Brit! AND, like Dr. Hans and yours truly, a Cantabrigian!)

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