Monday, September 17, 2018


I was at the big rally yesterday afternoon outside the William Turner Gallery at Bergamot Station in Santa Monica. A huge, enthusiastic crowd, in bright sunlight, with shade at a premium. The biggest rally in history, it was said, for a mid-term political campaign in Southern California. By some-one's rough count, at least 1,000 people showed up--as Rouda joked, that's 2,000 by Trump's math.

A rousing reception for all the speakers, especially for Julia Brownley and Ted Lieu...

... current congressional representatives who are eager to welcome new House members from Southern California. I was impressed with the passion and sturdy eloquence of Katie Hill, candidate for the 25th District, and have contributed to her campaign. I hope you will, too.

Our Harley also gave a terrific address--rather short, because the event had started an hour late, and speakers were obviously encouraged to be brief. Still, in a few words, he managed to both royally roast the current incumbent ("Russia-backer") and put forth a few good policy points of his own.

By this time--having waited for an hour and sat for another in blazing sunlight, both Ellie and I were done for the afternoon. We retreated to our air-conditioned car as the indomitable Jackie Goldberg was regaling the crowd with another punchy speech. So sorry to have missed her finale, AND... if he finally made it, Eric Swalwell, who has become, along with Ted Lieu, one of the most eloquent TV spokespersons for the work of Democratic committees.

Okay. I was enormously encouraged by the size and enthusiasm of the crowd. I joined in with their jubilation over the quality and passion of those who currently represent us, and those whom we hope will be representing us very soon. Well and good, BUT...


... as every speaker stressed, we need to keep working. We need to keep contributing what we can, or MORE than we can--because, sadly, American politics is all about money. Here's a link to the Rouda campaign. Please join me in giving just a little bit more today.

And if you have friends who'd be interested in hearing about the rally, please send them a link to this entry. Who knows, maybe they too would click on the donate button.

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