Hello, friend,
I hope the summer has been treating you well! Forgive me for intruding on its last days...
I’m sending this out selectively to a few (I hope well-chosen!) friends to share my alarm at talk of a “blue wave” in November. I remember too well the statistics in November 2016, predicting a 74% likely win for Hillary and a bleak 28% prospect for Trump. We were so sure of the outcome!
And now I keep hearing the exact same statistics used to predict this blue wave in November. We can’t afford to believe them this time. A failure in November to regain the House would be a license for Trump to attack what remains of our democracy with impunity.
So I trust you’ll join me in voting for Harley Rouda to replace Dana Rohrabacher—Putin’s best friend in congress and an unabashed Trumpeter.
Still, our vote, at this critical moment, is just not enough—no more than easy condemnations and outrage. We can’t rely on some mythical blue wave. I believe we must all step beyond our personal boundaries, speak out loudly, and ACT in order to—yes, literally—save the world from the whims and tantrums of a man who wields power like a petulant child.
At a Town Hall on Monday, Rouda asked for three things in addition to our vote: time, talent, and money. I'm pledged to donate more than I think I can afford—and I’m no longer hesitant to ask friends to do the same. It’s just a step over to the Rouda for Congress website and a click on "DONATE”!
As for time and talent, I’m devoting mine in part in the effort to reach out to friends, in part to daily entries in my ROOTING FOR ROUDA blog: http://rootingforrouda.blogspot.com/. Please join my growing readership there and, importantly, send out links from the site to family, friends, associates, colleagues—especially to those who might be leaning right!
What's needed is enthusiasm, excitement, activism, and LOUD voices. Please join me! If you think the past year and a half have been bad, just imagine what an unleashed Trump and another Republican-dominated Congress could do!
With my very best wishes, Peter
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