I had not had the opportunity to see and hear Harley in person until yesterday, when I seized the chance to attend his Town Hall meeting in Laguna Niguel.
As a one-time primary supporter of Dr. Hans Keirstead, I was pleased and impressed by the event. One questioner asked about Rouda's ability to attract the support of those who had voted for other candidates in the primary, I can vouch for the fact that in this one case, myself, there was never any question about the transference of my support for another Democratic candidate, but am now doubly pleased to be able to add enthusiasm to mere party loyalty.
What impressed me? First and foremost, that the candidate listened attentively to the questions he was asked, and actually answered those questions. Too often I've heard and watched as politicians take questions--whether from voters, debaters, interviewers, or the media--and answer the question they would like to have heard rather than the one that was actually asked. They veer off into what sounds more like a practiced position paper on some vaguely related issue and completely miss the point of what was a seriously asked question. I find this intensely annoying--but heard none of it last night.
So, good marks on that score. The candidate also seemed well-informed on a wide variety of issues, and was willing--on one occasion at least--to let his audience know when he needed more study on an issue before stating his views. Important, too, was the fact that his views on the issues of importance reflected my own, though I did think his eagerness to "reach across the aisle" seemed a little overly optimistic in view of Republican intransigence and the history of implacable opposition to everything Obama proposed during his presidency. My own view is that a measure of ruthless power will be needed to counteract the deployment of ruthless power on the other side.
Otherwise, let's see... As one who attaches great importance to language as a means to formulate and express a cogent idea, I appreciated the fact that our candidate is both eloquent and quick on his feet when it comes to articulating complex thought and subtle distinctions. High marks for that. And finally, when it comes to sheer likability (I tend to be suspicious of "charisma"--it seems that the current occupant of the White House has an abundance of that, for his base) Harley Rouda does well. He evinced a pleasant, easy sense of humor and self-deprecation, both of which are qualities I respond to. And he seemed like a man for whom personal integrity and honesty are a point of honor.
In short, he has my vote. In all honesty, he would have had my vote by simply being a Democrat, but now that I have seen him in action and listened to his answers to questions on the multiple issues facing our nation, he also has my enthusiastic support.
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