Saturday, September 15, 2018


The Republican juggernaut is at it again, this time steamrolling the confirmation of a right-wing extremist to the US Supreme Court. They are doing it, as always, shamelessly, in defiance of the majority of their fellow citizens, and without regard to the proprieties of such appointments. They started the process of packing the court with their arrogant rejection of a moderate, thoughtful Obama nomination and the partisan appointment of Neil Gorsuch. Now they are rushing ahead to the almost certain confirmation of a man nominated by a "president" who himself appears increasingly to belong in a jail cell.

It is galling, of course, to a leftie like myself. It is also--I hate to use the word--unprecedented in its abuse of ruthless partisan power. We, the majority of the American people, are treated with contempt by those who represent only a small minority of sadly misinformed voters swayed by the obscene influence of extreme conservative moneyed interests.

Unless we act soon to stop the juggernaut we will all be mourning the death of democracy in America next year, with an out-of-control would-be autocrat for "president", an obeisant court of Republicans paying tribute to his grandiosity, and a band of gloating plutocrats pulling the strings.

We ALL need to get out there in November and do our duty as American citizens. Or, to coin a phrase that seems terribly apt, woe betide us.

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