Saturday, September 8, 2018


Someone is spending an awful lot of money putting out negative ads about Harley Rouda. I have glimpsed a number of them--some even showing up on MSNBC, obviously targeting "liberal" and "progressive" voters. Those people spending all that money clearly have some evidence to show that ads like this work, that there are those gullible enough to actually believe the lies and half-truths they promote.

That's a sad reflection on a level of education that allows uncritical consumption of whatever shows up on a television screen. It's testimony to decades of virtual right-wing war on education through the slow erosion of school funding and the systematic abuse of the teaching profession.

Is it not time to change our priorities, friends? We democrats (small "d" because I include both Democrats and Republicans) have let our social responsibilities slide for far too long in favor of personal comforts and agendas.

A vote for your Democratic candidate, this November, is a vote to halt the slide into inertia and neglect. There are people out there who are more than willing to exploit the opportunity to cash in on our lack of vigilance. They are the ones who attempt to manipulate us with their negative ads. They wouldn't spend the money if they didn't fully expect to profit handsomely from their outlay when they get their way.

We allow this trend to continue at the risk of everything we claim to value, everything that is currently under insidious attack by Trump and his Republican enablers. We have perhaps the very last opportunity to put a spoke in their wheel in a couple of months. If we fail, they get to take us on a free ride to the end of democracy.

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