Monday, August 27, 2018


To put it simply, in this coming November election Democrats must overcome:

the result of years of Republican gerrymandering;
obscene amounts of dark money from private and corporate interests;
the effects of widespread voter suppression legislation;
potential misinformation distributed by foreign powers;
the possibility of polling booth and vote-count hacking;
an endless stream of lies and distortions from right-wing propagandists;
and more.

Not to mention the complacency and apathy of too many or our own voters.

(In addition, in 2020, we will need to prevail over the travesty of the Electoral College).

That's a tall order.

In response to all this, we have only our justified anger at the failure of Republicans in Congress to stand up and protect our democracy from the outright, blatant, boundless and shameless corruption of Trump and his cabinet of cronies... and our VOTE!

We MUST VOTE for the restitution of decency, fairness, reason, good judgment, and respect for the rule of law. Another congressional term with Republicans kissing the ring of our current fragrantly lawless would-be dictator will spell disaster for our country.

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