Thursday, May 24, 2018


Revenge is sweet for a few moments, but it inevitably leaves a bitter aftertaste. I confess that I myself hanker daily for the comeuppance of a "president" I despise. But impeachment talk is bad for Democrats. Not only does it make us look (to Trump supporters, if not to many of our own) as petty and mean-spirited as its intended target, it misdirects our energy at a moment when it needs to be concentrated on persuading voters of all stripes that Democrats can do better for the country.

This is one good reason to support this candidate, Dr. Hans Keirstead, whose knowledge and experience in the matter of public health care is unrivaled. It's my belief that the best issue for Democrats in this election cycle will be the defense of the Affordable Care Act and the promise of its improvement. Republican insistence on it demise is already backfiring on them badly, now that more and more Americans have come to depend on it, and still more to appreciate its value. Not only is the issue a Republican weakness, it is a Democratic strength.

Second to health care, as I see it, is the failure of the single Republican congressional "achievement", under Trump--the tax bill--to produce the promised results. Who among us feels better off today than we were two years ago?

Moreover, we are beginning to see the "president"'s "success" with a significant percentage of voters (nearly 60 percent believe the Mueller probe to be "politically motivated"!) in his vicious counterattack against all those who seek, quite properly, to unmask his corruption and expose the perhaps criminal activity that led to his "election." They must continue with their work.

But let us not be distracted. Our victory will come, not with the collapse of this "president" or his impeachment, but with the election of a Congress that will perform its constitutional duty and act as a much needed check and balance to the current, Trumpian Republican corruption of our political process and our values.

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